Poetry by Robert Grant

African American Royalty nwbka
poetry by Robert Grant nwbka
poetry by Robert Grant
Three and Thou MONA LISA
is on display
To no other would she give
her love, for chaste is Thou.
Thou shoelamight maiden.
For kings and queens chase
and faithful was she to
her lover.
For no beauty approached
her, Thou MONA LISA
Thou world is knocking at
your door
to no other would she
Don’t try to make someone straight gay
and don’t try to make someone gay straight
I’ve seen so many of them sitting on the
sidewalk, crying
And they mesh with someone they shouldn’t
The Pot Calling the Skillet Black
And he forgot his roots
And somebody came from the right side of the
The Black Sheep
Somebody is lying
The white sheep's parents keeps telling
the white sheep that he's the black sheep.
Somebody is lying.
And it was not a black lie. It's a
white lie.
Now what one is black, and what one is
Somebody is lying.
The Woodpile
And somebody got in the woodpile
No, they did not get in the woodpile
They got married in God’s temple
Robert Glen Grant
The "Hi!" Poem
And just because I say "hi" to
someone, it does not mean I know them.
And just because someone say's "hi"
to me does not mean they know me.
And just because someone smiles at me does not
mean I'm going to run away with them
And if you see me talking to someone, it does
not mean we know each other.
And you said you did not want me, and no, I'm
not going to rule over anybody
And just because I met someone six months ago
does not mean I know them.
Robert Glen Grant 03/24/03
Brown Socks
Princess of Black
Nikki Giovanni (c) 2002, 2003 All rights reserved. All images and
text are the creation and property of Robert G. Grant |